





2014年在复旦大学获得博士学位。2014年6月至2021年在美国圣裘德儿童研究医院 (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital) 免疫系从事博士后研究工作。 2021年3月底加入复旦大学代谢与整合生物学研究院。


细胞代谢及相关信号通路在免疫细胞功能稳态以及免疫相关疾病中的作用机制。主要包括: 1. 树突状细胞、T细胞代谢与肿瘤免疫;2. T细胞、调节T细胞代谢与免疫缺陷和自身免疫;3. 开发肿瘤、代谢性疾病的免疫学新疗法。


  1. Du X, Wen J, Wang Y, Karmaus PWF, Khatamian A, Tan H, Li Y, Guy C, Nguyen TM, Dhungana Y, Neale G, Peng J, Yu J, Chi H*. Hippo/Mst signalling couples metabolic state and immune function of CD8α+ dendritic cells. Nature, 2018, 558(7708): 141-145.

  2. Du X,  Zeng H, Liu S, Guy C, Dhungana Y, Neale G, Bergo MO, Chi H*. Mevalonate metabolism–dependent protein geranylgeranylation regulates thymocyte egress. J Exp Med, 2020, 217(2): e20190969.

  3. Du X, Chapman NM, Chi H*. Emerging roles of cellular metabolism in regulating dendritic cell subsets and function. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2018, 6: 152.

  4. Du X, Shi H, Li J, Dong Y, Liang J, Ye J, Kong S, Zhang S, Zhong T, Yuan Z, Xu T, Zhuang Y, Zheng B, Geng JG, Tao W*. Mst1/Mst2 regulate development and function of regulatory T cells through modulation of Foxo1/Foxo3 stability in autoimmune disease. J Immunol. 2014,192(4):1525-35.

  5. Guo C, You Z, Shi H, Sun Y, Du X, Palacios G, Guy C, Yuan S, Chapman NM, Lim SA, Sun X, Saravia J, Rankin S, Dhungana Y, Chi H*. SLC38A2 and glutamine signalling in cDC1s dictate anti-tumour immunity. Nature. 2023 Jul 5. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06299-8.