Post Doctorate
Yu Sun

Personal Profile

2023-Present, Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Metabolism & Intergative Biology, Fudan University, China

2018-2022, Ph.D., Biotechnology and Bioengineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

2014-2017, M.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xiamen University, China

2010-2014, B.S., Biotechnology, Xiamen University, China  

Research Interests

Dissecting mechanisms related to glucose and lipid metabolism, and liver injury.  

Honors and Awards

2015, Postgraduate National Scholarship  

Selected Publications

  1. Sun Y*, Demagny H*, Faure A, Pontanari F, Jalil A, Bresciani N, Yildiz E, Korbelius M, Perino A, Schoonjans K#. Asparagine protects pericentral hepatocytes during acute liver injury. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. e163508 (2023).

  2. Sun Y*, Demagny H*, Schoonjans K#. Emerging functions of the nuclear receptor LRH-1 in liver physiology and pathology. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. 1867, 166145 (2021).

  3. Sun Y*, Li TY*, Song L*, Zhang C, Li J, Lin ZZ, Lin SC, Lin SY#. Liver-specific deficiency of unc-51 like kinase 1 and 2 protects mice from acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Hepatology. 67, 2397-2413 (2018).

  4. Li TY*, Song L*, Sun Y*, Li J, Lam SM, Xu D, Zhou L, Li X, Huang X, Zhang CS, Xie C, Shui G, Reue K, Lin SY, Li P, Lin SC#. Tip60-mediated lipin 1 acetylation and ER translocation determines triacylglycerol synthesis rate. Nature Communications. 9, 1916 (2018).

  5. Li TY, Sun Y, Liang Y, Liu Q, Shi Y, Zhang CS, Zhang C, Li Xi, Chen T, Huang HY, Wang Y, He X, Wu YQ, Chen S, Jiang M, Zhao S, Ye Z, Lin SY, Chiu DT, Lin SC#. ULK1/2 Constitute a Bifurcate Node Controlling Glucose Metabolic Fluxes in Addition to Autophagy. Molecular Cell. 62, 359-370 (2016).