






2011-2015,哈佛大学贝斯以色列女执事医学中心(美国),博士后,导师:Evan Rosen教授






  • 2017 Scholarship of Keystone Symposium Adipose Tissue Biology (J5), Keystone, Colorado, USA.

  • 2015-2020 K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00 DK106550-01), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Role: PI, Total: $927,000.

  • 2015-2019 NCRP Winter 2014 Scientist Development Award (15SDG25680028)– American Heart Association, Role: PI, Total: $ 308,000. (Declined)


  1. Zhu X#, Yao T#, Wang R#, Guo S, Wang X, Zhou Z, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Zhuo X, Wang RT, Li ZJ*, Liu T*, Kong X*. IRF4 in Skeletal Muscle Regulates Exercise Capacity via PTG/Glycogen Pathway. Advanced Science, 2020, 7(19): 2001502.

  2. Wang R#, Tian H#, Guo D, Tian Q, Yao T*, Kong X*. Impacts of Exercise Intervention on Various Diseases in Rats. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2020, 9(3): 211-227.

  3. Kong X#*, Yao T#, Zhou P, Kazak L, Tenen D, Lyubetskaya A, Tsai L, Kahn BB, Spiegelman BM, Liu T*, Rosen ED*. Brown Adipose Tissue Controls Skeletal Muscle Function via the Secretion of Myostatin. Cell Metabolism, 2018, 28(4): 631-643.

  4. Kong X, Banks AS, Liu T, Kazak L, Rao RR, Cohen P, Wang X, Yu S, Lo JC, Tseng YH, Cypess AM, Xue R, Kleiner S, Kang S, Spiegelman BM, Rosen ED*. IRF4 is a key thermogenic transcriptional partner of PGC-1a. Cell, 2014, 158(1): 69-83.

  5. Williams KW#*, Liu T#, Kong X#, Fakuda M#, Deng Y, Berglund ED, Deng Z, Gao Y, Liu T, Sohn JW, Jia L, Fujikawa T, Kohno D, Scott MM, Lee S, Lee CE, Sun K, Chang Y, Scherer PE, Elmquist JK. Xbp1s in Pomc neurons connects ER stress with energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Cell Metabolism, 2014, 20(3): 471-482.

  6. Berglund ED#, Liu T#, Kong X#, Sohn JW, Vong L, Deng Z, Lee CE, Lee S, Olson DP, Scherer PE, Lowell BB*, Elmquist JK*. Melanocortin-4 receptors in preg Williams KW,anglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons differentially control energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Nature Neuroscience, 2014, 17(7): 911-913.

  7. Eguchi J#, Kong X#,Tenta M, Wang X, Kang S, Rosen ED*. Interferon regulatory factor 4 regulates obesity-induced inflammation through regulation of adipose tissue macrophage polarization. Diabetes, 2013, 62(10): 3394-3403.

  8. Kong X, Wang R, Xue Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Chen Y, Fang F*, Chang Y*. Sirtuin 3, a new target of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α, plays an important role in the suppression of reactive oxygen species. PLos One, 2010, 5(7): e11707. 至今被引用600多次

  9. Kong X, Wang R, Liu X, Zhu L, Shao D, Chang Y*, and Fang F*. Function of SIRT1 in Physiology. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2009, 74(7): 703-708.

  10. Kong X#, Fan H#, Liu X, Wang R, Liang J, Gupta N, Chen Y*, Fang F*, Chang Y*. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Coactivator-1 Enhances Antiproliferative Activity of 5-Deoxy-5-Fluorouridine in Cancer Cells through Induction of Uridine Phosphorylase. Mol Pharmacol, 2009, 76: 854-860.