





2009年获苏州大学学士学位;2014年获浙江大学博士学位;2014-2016年在浙江大学医学院进行博士后研究;2016-2021年在加州大学伯克利分校先后担任博士后、助理项目科学家(assistant project scientist);2021年12月加入复旦大学代谢与整合生物学研究院。




  • 2016年 UC Berkeley Tang Distinguished Scholar,美国

  • 2013年国家奖学金,浙江大学,中国


  1. Strong LM, Chang C, Riley JF, Boecker CA, Flower TG, Buffalo CZ, Ren X, Stavoe AK, Holzbaur EL, Hurley JH*. Structural basis for membrane recruitment of ATG16L1 by WIPI2 in autophagy. Elife, 2021, 10: e70372.

  2. Chang C, Jensen LE, Hurley JH*. Autophagosome biogenesis: out of the black box. Nature Cell Biology, 2021, 23(5): 450-456.

  3. Chang C, Shi X, Jensen LE, Yokom AL, Fracchiolla D, Martens S, Hurley JH*. Reconstitution of cargo-induced LC3 lipidation in mammalian selective autophagy. Science Advance, 2021, 7(17): eabg4922.

  4. Shi X#, Chang C#, Yokom AL#, Jensen LE, Hurley JH*. The autophagy adaptor NDP52 and the FIP200 coiled-coil allosterically activate ULK1 complex membrane recruitment. Elife, 2020, 9: e59099.

  5. Fracchiolla D#, Chang C#, Hurley JH*, Martens S*. A PI3K-WIPI2 positive feedback loop allosterically activates LC3 lipidation in autophagy. Journal of Cell Biology, 2020, 219(7): e201912098.

  6. Chang C, Young LN, Hurley JH*. The BARA necessities of PtdIns 3-Kinase activation in autophagy. Autophagy, 2019, 15(6): 1122-1123.

  7. Chang C#, Young LN#, Morris KL, von Bülow S, Schöneberg J, Yamamoto-Imoto H, Oe Y, Yamamoto K, Nakamura S, Stjepanovic G, Hummer G, Yoshimori T, Hurley JH*. Bidirectional control of autophagy by BECN1 BARA domain dynamics. Molecular Cell, 2019, 73(2): 339-353.

  8. Chang C, Su H, Zhang D, Wang Y, Shen Q, Liu B, Huang R, Zhou T, Peng C, Wong C, Shen HM, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Liu W*. AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of GAPDH triggers Sirt1 activation and is necessary for autophagy upon glucose starvation. Molecular Cell, 2015, 60(6): 930-940.

  9. Feng W#, Chang C#, Luo D, Su H, Yu S, Hua W, Chen Z, Hu H, Liu W*. Dissection of autophagy in human platelets. Autophagy 2014,10(4): 642-651.

  10. Huang R, Xu Y, Qian J, Wan W, Liu B, Chang C, Zhou T, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Liu W*. Deacetylation of nuclear LC3 drives autophagy initiation under starvation. Molecular Cell, 2015, 57(3): 456-466.

  11. Liu B, Fang M, Hu Y, Huang B, Li N, Chang C, Huang R, Xu X, Yang Z, Chen Z, Liu W*. Hepatitis B virus X protein inhibits autophagic degradation by impairing lysosomal maturation. Autophagy, 2014, 10(3): 416-430.

  12. Guo Y, Chang C, Huang R, Liu B, Bao L, Liu W*. AP1 is essential for generation of autophagosomes from trans-Golgi network. Journal of Cell Science, 2012, 125(7): 1706-1715.