







脂质分子是细胞膜的重要核心组分。本实验室围绕膜脂代谢的调控,结合细胞生物学、基因组学、脂质组学、代谢组学、生物化学与膜动态显微成像等技术手段,运用各种体外与体内模型,重点解析: (1)肿瘤细胞特异的膜脂代谢调控机制与功能; (2)组织器官特异的微环境与膜脂代谢及膜受体通路之间的相互作用; (3)肿瘤细胞的代谢依赖性,以及相关的药物靶点与小分子药物等。


  1. Bi J*, Khan A, Tang J, Armando AM, Wu S, Zhang W, Gimple RC, Reed A, Jing H, Koga T, Wong IT, Gu Y, Miki S, Yang H, Prager B, Curtis EJ, Wainwright DA, Furnari FB, Rich JN, Cloughesy TF, Kornblum HI, Quehenberger O, Rzhetsky A, Cravatt BF, Mischel PS*. Targeting glioblastoma signaling and metabolism with a re-purposed brain-penetrant drug. Cell Reports, 2021,37(5): 109957.

  2. Bi J#, Chowdhry S#, Wu S#, Zhang W, Masui K, Mischel PS*. Altered cellular metabolism in gliomas - an emerging landscape of actionable co-dependency targets. Nature Reviews Cancer, 2020,20(1):57-70.

  3. Bi J, Ichu TA, Zanca C, Yang H, Zhang W, Gu Y, Chowdhry S, Reed A, Ikegami S, Turner KM, Zhang W, Villa GR, Wu S, Quehenberger O, Yong WH, Kornblum HI, Rich JN, Cloughesy TF, Cavenee WK, Furnari FB, Cravatt BF, Mischel PS*. Oncogene amplification in growth factor signaling pathways renders cancers dependent on membrane lipid remodeling. Cell Metabolism, 2019, 30(3):525-538.

  4. Bi J, Mischel PS*. Acyl-CoA-binding protein fuels gliomagenesis. Cell Metabolism, 2019, 30(2):229-230.

  5. Bi J#, Wu S#, Zhang W#, Mischel PS*. Targeting cancer's metabolic co-dependencies: a landscape shaped by genotype and tissue context. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer, 2018, 1870(1):76-87.

  6. Bi J, Wang W, Liu Z, Huang X, Jiang Q, Liu G, Wang Y, Huang X*. Seipin promotes adipose tissue fat storage through the ER Ca2+-ATPase SERCA. Cell Metabolism, 2014, 19(5):861-871.

  7. Wu S#, Bi J#, Cloughesy T, Cavenee WK, Mischel PS*. Emerging function of mTORC2 as a core regulator in glioblastoma: metabolic reprogramming and drug resistance. Cancer Biol Med, 2014, 11(4):255-263.

  8. Bi J#, Xiang Y#, Chen H, Liu Z, Grönke S, Kühnlein RP, Huang X*. Opposite and redundant roles of the two Drosophila Perilipins in lipid mobilization. Journal of Cell Science, 2012, 125(15):3568-3577.

  9. Tian Y#, Bi J#, Shui G, Liu Z, Xiang Y, Liu Y, Wenk MR, Yang H, Huang X*. Tissue-autonomous function of Drosophila Seipin in preventing ectopic lipid droplet formation. PLoS Genetics, 2011, 7(4):e1001364.

  10. Chowdhry S, Zanca C, Rajkumar U, Koga T, Diao Y, Raviram R, Liu F, Turner K, Yang H, Brunk E, Bi J, Furnari F, Bafna V, Ren B, Mischel PS*. NAD metabolic dependency in cancer is shaped by gene amplification and enhancer remodelling. Nature, 2019, 569(7757):570-575.

  11. Gimple RC, Kidwell RL, Kim LJY, Sun T, Gromovsky AD, Wu Q, Wolf M, Lv D, Bhargava S, Jiang L, Prager BC, Wang X, Ye Q, Zhu Z, Zhang G, Dong Z, Zhao L, Lee D, Bi J, Sloan AE, Mischel PS, Brown JM, Cang H, Huan T, Mack SC, Xie Q, Rich JN*. Glioma stem cell specific super enhancer promotes polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis to support EGFR signaling. Cancer Discovery, 2019, 9(9):1248-1267.

  12. Villa GR, Hulce JJ, Zanca C, Bi J, Ikegami S, Cahill GL, Gu Y, Lum KM, Masui K, Yang H, Rong X, Hong C, Turner KM, Liu F, Hon GC, Jenkins D, Martini M, Armando AM, Quehenberger O, Cloughesy TF, Furnari FB, Cavenee WK, Tontonoz P, Gahman TC, Shiau AK, Cravatt BF, Mischel PS*. An LXR-cholesterol axis creates a metabolic co-dependency for brain cancers. Cancer Cell, 2016, 30(5):683-693.